Monday, November 17, 2008

Dateline: Boston, 11/17/08

It was the best of times....
.......2:01 p.m., Brighton: 2 of my favorite people in the world add a 3rd.

A(nne) & C(hris) & B(eautiful Baby Beatrix)

It was the worst of times.....
......2:01 p.m., corner of East 1st and Dorchester Streets, Southie: fender rage.

The 1991 Mazda 626 with no name....rear end laid to waste by a tractor-trailer, with neither name nor conscience.....who took issue with how closely it was, legally, parked next to the warehouse driveway.

I found out when a random trucker with an Arkansas area code called multiple times after finding my number. (I had written it on a courtesy sign, left on the front dash from parking in the church lot Sunday.) He had been parked waiting to unload and saw it. He had no idea who did the sloppy back-up job, but wanted to make sure I knew it wasn't him.

The damage is all cosmetic. The body shop(s) are half a block away. The story will certainly get longer and more interesting.

As will Baby Beatrix.....praise God.

1 comment:

singinflute said...

Oh God!!! I'm sorry! :(