Sunday, November 23, 2008

A whiner's recession diary....

On a night when I discovered that my bank charges $39 per transaction on an overdrawn checking account that I didn't know was overdrawn and therefore kept debiting over last weekend and, as a result, $39 times 9 is a lot of $$$ I already didn't have which also means it would be wicked foolish to spend more $$$ on a trip to New York in December even though I haven't seen Joshua since May 23 and really really really wanted to see Peter Saarsgaard on Broadway, it just salted the wound that the girl cat peed on the bedroom floor again this afternoon and did not apologize and in addition, I have determined everyone I know is married or getting married or with child with the exception of myself and when I called all members of my immediate family I got 3 answering machines, which means it didn't help that my Mazda's fender appears to indeed be sliding down on the bolts the body shop put in there last week which means they are probably rusting off and I have to call the shop again tomorrow and that, on top of that, the EZPass people had no pity when I was half asleep at 6:30 a.m. on October 18 and really didn't mean to follow Eric's car through the wrong lane on the New Hampshire tolls and now want to charge me an extra $25 bucks on top of that $1 toll I owe them, which reminds me how I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet and that my company has axed year-end bonuses AND the fancy Christmas party this year because the Dow Jones keeps falling below 8,000 and the Asian markets are already down 1.5% for the day.....

I try to tell myself I have absoutely nothing to complain about.


singinflute said...

Wow...I feel your pain. You have every right to whine...but you only get a day, then must move on. That's the rule, right? I definitely abuse that!

Anonymous said...

I feel the pain on the overdraw penalty. I normally keep pretty on top of my bank balance, too, but once it snuck up on me, like, twice one month and it was the same hefty fee you speak of. I got a little letter from Citizens Bank in the mail alerting me, but the number of days it takes to get that notice out in the mail is still too many days x $39!