Monday, February 23, 2009

R.I.P., duck friend

Sorry I forget to tell you sooner.

I left not my heart, but my hot pink duck-handled umbrella in San Francisco. Under the stool at Tokyo Go-Go sushi house. It was raining when we entered the restaurant....but had stopped when we left...and I walked out as if I'd never brought the umbrella in.

Which is the same method by which I have parted with at least a half-dozen umbrellas on subways, in coffee shops, or at park benches all over this fine country.

But this was particularly ignominious. This duck frequently earned me smiles from the #9 bus drivers. Never blew backwards in the wind. And, as you might recall, warded off a pesky mugger-to-be.

Très triste.

(Et....quand il pleut....très mouillé...)

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