Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mrs. Robinson (training session)

Scene: OKCupid IM chat. Time: a Thursday, early afternoon. College Boy (CB), 22, has attempted 4 times to chat with Karin (K). She relents.

CB: hi :)

K: what's up?

CB: nothing much, just killing time before work

CB: what are you up to?

K: Work.

K: Also.

CB: fun ;)

CB: maybe i can disstract you a little

CB: so what are you looking for on here?

K: Depends on the day.

K: You?

CB: well i just got out of a long relationship so just fun for now

CB: i really want to meet someone a little older, which is why im on here

K: Had any luck?

CB: not yet, its been kinda hard to find anyone

K: It is a bit hit or miss.

CB: lol* mostly miss

(*a.k.a. "Ha!")

CB: if i find anyone whos interested they only want to talk

K: Well, you can always start there, eh....?

K: Sweet talk can be very seductive.

CB: very true ;)

(Meanwhile, K heads off to view CB's photo and profile. OKCupid is set up so users can see when others view their profiles.)

K: If you put more details in your profile there will be less to talk about....

K: ;-)

CB: lol eh ill get to it

CB: checkin me out?

CB: your really cute ;)

K: Should I not?

CB: lol go for it

K: So I've got 5 minutes before I have to leave...

K: ...what constitutes fun for you?

CB: fun?

CB: like what do i mean by saying im looking for fun?

(Indeed, in his profile, fun is the only thing CB says he is looking for.)

K: You're looking for fun. ;-) Like what.

CB: gotcha

CB: whatever you want to do, im looking for a friend with benefits i guess

(Pause of at least 60 seconds. K decides not to dispense more helpful advice.)

K: gotcha.

K: Hey. I gotta run. Plane to get to.

CB: ok,have fun on your trip cutie :)

K: Later.

CB: definitly

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