Perhaps this fixating on the number of blog posts is now officially tiresome on the third try. But hey. Today was another market tanker. The stomach ailment remains despite introducing Pepto Bismol into my diet. Dirty laundry remains unwashed and lying in piles across my bedroom floor. This girl is NOT in the mood for romancing. Much less writing about how nice it would be, on a cold October night, to know someone waiting at her dinner and changing the cat litter.....drawing a hot bath....
With this cynicism in mind....trying to ease the pain of another round of account liquidations this afternoon....I came across Daily Intel, the gossip blog of New York Magazine. Like any blog, it features routine updates along with an unmoderated reader comment section. Except that in this case, the commenters become the bloggers in a weekly feature known as "the sex diaries".
Yes. Blog commenters are invited to submit, for publication, a journal detailing their sex lives over seven days. Today, it was the "Self-Obsessed, Emotionally Detached Hedge-Funder". Twenty-five, heterosexual, single, male, harboring issues with anxiety, anorexia and sleeplessness and the variety of drugs he takes to combat all three. Feeling no irony, evidently, in printing this on the second day of a market free-fall.
*(When I suggest this is for adults only, I mean it. It is, after all, a sex diary, folks, and the man did have sex a couple times that week and explains it graphically one of those times. So enter at your own peril and level of comfort.)
Perhaps I post this to show where my relatively tame romantic quests fall on the spectrum of the blogosphere. Or that it is difficult to find a date with a normal, honest man in the city while working in finance. Or to relate to the fact that the author spent three occasions that week on Facebook, ogling his ex-girlfriend's profile and hating on her new boyfriend. (We've all been there, I'm sure.)
Or found myself oddly distressed at the following comment, coming after a particular outing with a new girl who obviously wants to see him:
"I get a call from her again while I'm at work. This is not good. Though it makes me feel great when I know someone wants me, because I'll never let them have what they want. "
As I always say, it's rough out there. These are some of the availables, folks....
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4 days ago
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