Friday, September 5, 2008

Wicked insomnia. Again.

Will not eat the rest of box of GoLean. Severely tempted.

I love the pictures my sister sent over of my new nephew, Henry. I should look at them for awhile now since I don't get to see him for three more weeks.

Will listen to one of the greatest set-pieces in modern music, Bach's Art of The Fugue. Calming, soothing. Quartetto Bernini does a particularly nice job with it....although Glenn Gould and his magic hands are more fun to watch.

Will not post awesome Judith Warner New York Times blog piece (see "Domestic Disturbances") about Sarah Palin in this space. Trying to return to non-partisanship for sake of diverse readership. Save it for the Facebook page. Where I hope everyone naturally goes immediately from this link.

Henry is blonder than any baby I've seen. He has his dad's hairline and his mom's Larson potato nose. Awesome photos.

Wonder: how possible that both cats have been sleeping without interruption for the last four hours? From where comes their exhaustion? Did they spend the day watching the Dow Jones drop 345 points....drops away from a flush into bear market territory? Do they have to get up in the morning and talk to clients about it?

How is it possible that Henry is sleeping in all these pictures? He's all of an hour old in this one and looks positively cashed out. He instead should be kissing his mother for the 26 hours of labor required for him to arrive.

Will NOT get sucked into checking the Times website every five minutes to see if the major columnists have reacted to John McCain's acceptance speech. This wants to be a non-partisan blog.

Although, damn, Paul Krugman has already outdone himself....who, like me, can't for the life figure out why everyone is so angry.

Wow. Four hours does not a night of sleep make. It didn't last night and it won't tonight. And I'm not even the new mother.

But Henry sure looks like he's worth it. Good night, sweet nephew!


Alissa said...

henry must be worn out from being the object of that 26 hours.

Anonymous said...

Since this is a non-partisan blog:

"Democrats promise to make you richer, taller, thinner and to remove the crabgrass from your lawn. Republicans claim government does not work, then they get elected and prove it."

-P J. O'Rourke

Alissa said...

heehee! thanks jason, for the quote!