11:15 when I got home from work last night. Happy Hour ran long....having begun at 5:45
Five hours of conversation is not unusual when it comes to me and my longtime friend, A. Commonalities include a Midwestern background, similar age, love of Barack Obama, masters degree from the same institution, single status, and countless tales of romantic woe just dying to be rehashed. We had a lot to hash out.
Needless to say, that much relationship hashing got me in the mood to write a blog entry about my CFO date on Thursday night. A is, if nothing else, a sage listener and helps bring out the stories.... Then I had ridden home on my bike and the night was cool. I was primed to curl up with the laptop.
Well, I've had excuses before for not writing....but none as good as walking to the dining room table to find my computer in disarray. The wireless connection disabled. Four separate programs activated from the desktop icons. The screen orientation......upside down. (Ever tried to touch-pad mouse in reverse?)
A-ha. The cats had been busy once again. Seems the keyboard is a warm place to curl up....more comfortable than a blanket, couch or bed.
Last night my writing mood did not extend to troubleshooting whatever Velvet and her big paws had wrought. Today it took me 20 minutes of upside-down scrolling just to find the Dell customer service phone number, and another 20 minutes with the Dell rep to discover the key combinations to unlock the havoc.
And now I have to go for a run. And then go to a party. Such is the life.
So the CFO and I had a good date. It did, as usual, cause me mild emotional confusion. Which I promise to write about tomorrow.
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4 days ago
1 comment:
oh that's pretty funny. (i can say that. i am a fellow cat owner.) that's a good one. definitely worth the counting in the top 5 tales you will tell over and over about your cats.
once my grandmother told me she turned her screen sideways and i think, until you said somehow your screen had been turned upside down, that i kind of didn't believe it was possible that she could have even done that accidentally. now i know.
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