Friday, February 19, 2010

Ask and ye shall receive (II)

Last night I went to hear my friend Ben's band(s) play at a club in the Fenway. After the set, I hung with him and his friends at the bar for awhile over a Rusty Nail (him) and Narragansett straight from the 16-oz can (me).

Ben is a talented bass player, so we talked about his success making a living as a musician. He introduced me to his drummer, who works a day job at a local college but rocks out at night. As we sat, guys from the other bands came over, too, speaking the language of riffs and songwriting and artistic freedom.

But after all that I confess that the moment of last night I felt most like a rock star was at 12:57 am, Arlington Street, after the final #9 bus of the night appeared around the corner and I stepped on, only to spy this '68 Mercury Cougar (naturally!) resting on the first available seat.

Under the relative haze of a Narragansett buzz ... no sweeter sight.


Ginnette said...

That is too precious! and no carbon footprint!

Suldog said...

Geez. They still make 'gansett? I thought that went the way of the dodo bird back in the days of Yaz and Lonborg :-)

Ron Newman said...

'Gansett did go out of business, but has been revived over the past few years.

Anonymous said...

@Karin. You most certainly NOT a cougar, for you do not resemble a 1968 Mercury. (Hey, I once owned a Matchbox version of that car. Too cool.)

Karin said...

@Squigkato. My version is "hot wheels." I didn't even think of the bad "cougar" reference until I was typing it out and then kind of rolled my eyes. I just liked the cool, saucy green car.

@Suldog & @Ron: I was at the Church of Boston and the big can was only $3. If it's your thing, I'd head there!