Monday, June 30, 2008

Everything must deviate...

I'm not making excuses. But forces of nature, personality and circumstance coalesced into a decisive backward dating momentum this weekend.

a) Lack of opportunity to pursue a date. Humidity. Storms. Vomiting cats. Helping friends move furniture the better part of Saturday. Wireless internet at the apartment uncooperative.

b) Lack of desire to pursue a date. The internet was what, eh? I'm a modern woman who likes bars and people. But the feet haven't stopped throbbing since an ill-fated trip on the elliptical machine Friday night. All day Saturday in a crusty XXL college t-shirt, plus unwashed hair, further eighty-sixed any enthusiasm to feel, much less appear, attractive. So I stayed in with the cats.

And as if that didn't do the trick, the local Blockbuster rejected my one attempt to draw myself back into a better mood: rent Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Something about not having a membership there for the last 3 years and the store being out of applications for new membership. (Wondered if looking like I just slept in a garden all day had anything to do with lack of cooperation....) I walked empty-handed up Dorchester Street at 9:30 Saturday night feeling lame, lamer and lamest. No Elizabeth Bennet, I.

This weekend left me so damp in spirit (and hair) and sore of feet that I don't even have the energy to be depressed this morning. And as if on cue, yet another black thunderstorm is now rolling in over the Charles River to obscure all views. I guess there is one positive to this: it gives a morning spent in a theoretical mental fog appropriate visuals.

Oh well. Last evening, fueled by chilled pork and caipirinhas from an afternoon picnic, my verve briefly reignited. I folded and put away clean laundry, swept the porch free of storm detritus, and made use of the three big sticks of rhubarb going bad in my fridge. The result: kick-ass crisp topped with Cool-Whip, which came down with me to Quincy for a couple enjoyable hours of noshing and man-hating debriefing with girlfriends.

Which is exactly the note on which a post about a dateless weekend should conclude.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I'm commenting on the last few posts, since I don't go online much (does that make me sound like somebody's un-techno-savvy mom or what? - just don't use those stupid online acronyms with me, thank you).

I hope your feet and your cats feel better soon. I'm glad you had some fun Sunday after the Austen-deprivation of Saturday night. And I feel obligated to remind you not to let your desire for what you don't have interfere with your enjoyment of what you do have -- not that I always do that, but we all need a reminder sometimes. And I hope that you do get what you desire. :)

As for your post about chemistry, I don't think people give it as much credit as it deserves sometimes. Yes, it can sometimes lead you the wrong direction, but a lack of it is a bad sign. You pick up on body language on a subconscious level, and your subconscious may be smarter than you sometimes. Trust your instincts -- if it doesn't spark, there might be a reason that doesn't percolate into your consciousness until you've wasted precious dating time. It's like when your pets mysteriously don't like someone -- maybe they are hiding something. Or maybe they use the same cologne as the vet...