Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ageism, typos in the profile, and other non-issues

Two weeks ago I had Date #1 with the gentleman from New Hampshire. In preparation for the upcoming excitement, I was e-mailing with friend Bill, 34.

K: My first date with a 40-something. Woo-hoo!
(disclaimer: I since remember this is not the case....The Editor also tips that scale.)

B: WOW…..the big 4-0, eh? Going older, any particular reason why?

K: Um. Availability?

Note the all-caps WOW....?

Bill needn't have worried. It has taken this latest go-round on match for me to realize and not be afraid......40 does not feel too old. It's not terrifically older than me. And as a girl with somewhat dubious financial security.....40 implies a stability I often feel I lack.

Yet I omit (purposefully?) a general truth: the majority of my FwaBs are 30 or under. I hang out with them for many reasons. But one trait they all share is some variation of impulsivity and freedom I associate with men that age, and do find attractive.

So yes. It's true. I can tell you I really want a man who is so stable that he makes it possible for me to live in a beautiful house, take cello lessons and not have to work because he's got it all under control.

Yet, at this moment in my life, I must be looking for a younger man.

I recently began obsessing over Nico Muhly....composer, philosopher, cook, general genius and aesthete.....and 27. Skinny, skater-hair, profiled in The New Yorker (look at that face!), hangs out regularly in Iceland, premiering and conducting a ballet with the Paris National Opera in September. And 27.

In my perfect world, this man would look me up. And not just because he is both 27 and financially secure (assuming he's smart enough to have hired an investment advisor). Who would not love this face? And that brain. And that creative insight. And that way with fresh pesto.... (Alright, enough. The man is in Iceland. Or Italy. Or in Manhattan writing a choral symphony.)

After a month on, despite the opportunities and the increased hits on profile (thanks, perhaps to the flattering collarbone shot), I must admit some disappointment that more interest isn't flowing from the younger crowd. Is this simply denial as to the fact of my own age?

I'm self-analyzing on this issue and promise to keep you posted.

So yesterday I logged-on to view my own profile and discovered more typos than any writer should accept and put a face on. Thus chastised, I cleaned loose sentences and corrected nonsense words, then reset the "profile views" counter. Since that moment it has received 36 views, two "winks," and two e-mail messages....

All but 2 of those 36 hits are from 40-somethings.

Before the next profile update, I might ask for suggestions on what updates-to-profile I might implement to make 35 look enticing to a Nico contemporary....or dare I hope, Nico himself.

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