Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Friend who blogs

On April 27, Bill sent this Facebook message:
"You've inspired me to start my own blog. Here's the link. Its a work in progress, but I'm having fun with it so far...
Bill writes well, both with authority and self-deprecation. When we drink together (which has been fairly often over the years), he always exclaims over his beverage with the same fervor as Homer Simpson invoking the Duffman. So it's appropriate that Bill calls the site Man Drinks Beer and reviews one new (sometimes obscure) brew per week.

Daresay, I feel like a proud parent. Speaking of, here's yesterday's entry:
"With the hustle and bustle of Mothers Day and my wife's b-day this weekend, I neglected to leave enough time to go out and select a new brew to review. Somehow asking for time to go buy a beer to review for a blog didn't seem very important in relation to these other things. This left me high and dry on Sunday night, until I brought some laundry down to the basement and saw that one last bottle of 2010 Olde School Barleywine, just sitting there all alone on the book case. I dusted it off, popped it in the fridge for 20 minutes, and was ready to drink."
Hope Bill doesn't mind me advertising his work in progress.



Anonymous said...

@Karin. Thank you for the link. Most entertaining.


Unknown said...

I have added it to my reader. I have been following a few local beer blogs and this is a good addition.

Bill said...

awesome, thank you so much for the great PR!