Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today I needed to type "running" into the search function of this blog to confirm the last time I went for a run, because I couldn't otherwise remember.

It was Thursday, May 14. For 4 questionable miles. In that entry I surmised that outing to be on 12 days of rest. Which means after running nearly every day for the 6 months prior, I have run once in 6 weeks.

Thank you, groin pull or hip bursitis or Illiotibial Band Syndrome or whatever the hell you actually are.

But I also should thank Ian, my physical therapist as of 3 weeks ago, for commanding me to hold off running while performing endless bridges and sit-ups and contortion stretches and pelvic "clamshells" with 5-pound weights on my thighs multiple times a day, every day.

Last night at my appointment, he ever-so-casually propped himself on the bench next to me and asked, "So .... have you tried running?"

When I said no, he said, "I think you could, and should."


Hooray and amen.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Karin. Run like the wind.

Anonymous said...

Karin -
Met you post-Boston Marathon @ the hotel -I was on the Children's team w/you and am also your blog and am having trouble 'getting back' to much tougher than I thought it would be...hope you hip is feeling better soon....Keep on blogging :)