Thursday, June 25, 2009


for proof that the sky, indeed, is still blue.
(I swear.)

At 2:24 pm these, indeed, were necessary,
although at 2:57 pm they no longer were.


Since I
surmise that both my patience and yours are
saturated with commentary on the
state of our (lack of)
summer thusfar,

I promise

no further
about the weather.


amcott. said...

I heard a nasty rumor that the sun is gone already, and having no accessible window near my cubicle, I'm hoping the rumor is false. In 14 minutes, I will either find a song-in-my-step or the sounds of chains clanging along the ground.

Your blog does not leave me optimistic.

Karin said...

@amcott. I apologize for being so maudlin so early. The evening sky was a near-navy redemption in spades.

Anonymous said...

@ Karin. Sorry to douse the budding optimism that some blue sky does generate, but I have just awoken to the rumble of thunder, and to the concomitant clash of a heavy downpour on my roof. Reality returns.