Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Year of Making Coffee

Y'all know last week my computer was stolen.

And it wasn't the worst thing in the world.  Most nights this past week, instead of staring at a screen for hours agonizing over how to solve my endless Facebook Scrabble losing streak, I re-read (and re-marveled over) Joan Didion's Year of Magical Thinking.  I more frequently petted my cats.  And more than once, I went to bed before midnight.


However, offline-fun time must end. 

In the next couple nights, I am going down the street to the Apple Store to buy this computer.

It's pretty.  It's functional.  But in doing the math, I thusly realized that the price of this computer is roughly the amount of money that I spend on coffee at Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts in a calendar year.

(For you non-math types:  $5/day x 52 weeks + $10 for the occasional emergency espresso frappuccino x at least 12 late afternoons post-cost-basis-calculation-spreadsheet = um, know what it equals.)

Folks, this one is gonna be tough.  But I must. 

So I'm gonna say it simply.
I cannot get a second job in order to spend $1500 on a computer and $1500 on coffee in the same year.
I do own a coffee maker.

Starting Monday, April 12, 2010 I will make my morning coffee.
At home. 
And furthermore:  I will not buy a single-serve cup of coffee in public for the next 365 days.
 (Although ... I will accept gift cards and make exceptions for dates who refuse to go elsewhere and most certainly exclude any coffee served at a diner, as well as decaf Americanos on the Diesel Cafe patio on Sunday nights in Davis because, well, that would just be otherwise wrong.).
But seriously. Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts moratorium until April 12, 2011.
On your marks, get set ....
... (sob) ...


kevin cassidy • kazz said...

it's a noble cause - but i might add that the Apple Store is second best to buying a refurb online

Marvel Boy said...

Good luck, Karin! Might I also suggest purchasing a little Bialetti stovetop espresso maker for those necessary jolts? You can pick one up for under $30 and vary your drip routine.

veggiegal said...

Your blog made me think of Carrie in SATC, when she realized she had spent on shoes enough for a down payment on her apartment. I started using, and was aghast at some of what came up...

The mac is SUPER cool and if you know someone with a student card that you can take with you to the store, that's 10% off right there - enough for the occasional starbucks treat... Enjoy it!! And, not be to be a downer or scare you, someone once told me that house robbers sometimes return a few weeks later to see what the insurance money bought. I absolutely hope it won't be the case for you, but you may want to think about getting a lock for it too, just in case...