Thursday, March 11, 2010

Proposition of a different sort

My favorite type of message request on OKCupid is cryptic, direct, intelligent, and in no way uses the words "cutie" or "hot."

So, last night:
Subject: equally obsessed
Message: runner. running. run. I run with friends in Southie, generally on Tuesday nights. Might be a nice way to meet. What do you think?
The gentleman is mid-40s. Definite serious runner's physique. OKC's compare-o-meter suggests we "both like Watergate, and All the Presidents Men" and that we are a 67% friendly match.

I liked his response for I spend a lot of time thinking about ...
"Making a difference from this moment on. Not repeating the same stupid mistakes again. Avoiding making new stupid mistakes when possible. Accepting that making mistakes comes with committing to life. Admitting and correcting the mistakes I make ....

Getting faster (and smarter) when I race.

The incredible – and beautiful – improbability of it all. (Who the f*ck knew, and why wasn't I told when I was younger?!)"

Kind of a nice change of pace for this scene, eh?

1 comment:

kevin cassidy • kazz said...

mistakes are an essential part of being human