Friday, April 24, 2009

End o' the week. That's all.

Yes, I'm at work. Yes, I have more work to do than I can possibly finish today, even if I were working every minute. Yet I would like to check in here, so I have given myself 5 minutes to put together an update.

What's going on?

Head cold still hanging out in my chest. Coughing subsiding. Alas, the show I've been practicing for goes up tonight.....and last night's dress rehearsal featured me hacking phlegm through the first 100 measures of the overture. Anyone want to wish me to "break a lung"?

E-mailing off and on with a very busy Audacious Man this week. We had Date #3 Sunday evening when he took me out for Thai for my pre-marathon feast. Alas, this is the word from him yesterday:

"I'm ssssssssssick. :-)"
Oy. Probably my bad. Probably moves a probable Date #4 into next week. I'll ask him

Chatting, still, too, with the Young Scientist, about this and that. We have good chats. We also had to do a marathon follow-up....the route runs past his place and while I did keep an eye out for him, the wall-o-drunks whooping the entire length of Beacon Street obscured any possible sighting. We still might go for a run and post-run dinner once I recover my legs.

Which, by the way, are mostly recovered. And I've been watching the thermometer this morning as it inches up into the 70s; the sky remains cloudless. Maybe I'll put on the sunglasses and walk the 2.65 miles up to Cambridge for the show tonight.

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