Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blogger's Bible: When in Doubt, Sleep

Tonight was a night off from running, from rehearsing, from working... although it, truly, didn't feel like a night off.

Tax returns e-filed at 9:03 p.m. Giving the IRS access to my checking account so they can extract 100s of dollars is mentally fatiguing.

Brief chat with Audacious Man, heading out of town for several days. Longer chat with Young Scientist about running, past lovers, if we will ever become lovers , etc. Both situations are trending positive....although the future potential with either man is murky for the moment. Sigh.

To Shaw's Market at 10:30 for peppers and onions and organic green leaf lettuce and chicken tenderloins to take home and cook to, perhaps, reverse the effects of eating all 24 cookies from a package of Thin Mints after rehearsal last night. Word of advice to those who might try to emulate this feat: sugar shock will stay in your system for more than 24 hours. I promise.

And have I mentioned my nose? Or my head? Or my throat, or any other bodily place that secretes ridiculous, endless quantities of gunk that simultaneously block blood flow to the head, sound to the ears and air flow, period? Breathing should not be this difficult.

Have I earned the right to blog no further and to sleep.....such sweet sleep?

Damn straight.

(If and when the Tylenol Cold Medicine does its job, that is....)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sleep, O gentle Sleep, Nature's soft nurse.