Monday, September 13, 2010

Grateful (VI) ....

On a Monday night where I'm feeling just off enough that righting the ship before sleeping is non-negotiable ....

.... for every day that ends with my sister and my in-utero nephew in good health ....

.... for a job, even on a day when it is nothing but ....

.... for non-bikeable rain showers, which mean not having to water the impatiens ....

.... for minced garlic sauteed in olive oil, which makes all things better ....

.... for Nico Muhly's choral album based on Psalm 111 ("The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.") ....

.... for the democratic process and my buddy Mike McGee's infinitely crazy 10 months of work leading up to tomorrow's Fourth Suffolk District state rep primary ....

.... for yesterday's 5 hours of NFL watching, agonizing for the Packers' first victory in Philly since 1962, and for being reminded that both are things I like to do ....

.... for, when burning away on the elliptical machine at the gym, being able to watch The Food Channel describe in minute detail how the orange center of a Butterfinger is manufactured, because what better time to have that information ....

.... and for crackless, burn-free, effing-amazing (or at least better-damn-well-be-amazing) Key Lime Cheesecake that came out on the third try, asphyxiating no one.

Thanks be to God.

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