Friday, July 16, 2010

Runs in the family

Missy, Chad and Henry returned earlier this week
from a 2-week road trip to Montana.

It reminded me how long it has been 
since I've posted any nephew photos --
and here he is, pushing his second birthday

(And, via that old cliché about children,
it reminded me just how much they grow 
when you're not looking.)

I was glad to see that Henry,
as he becomes what my mom would call
"a REAL little boy!",
is learning to take after his aunt in all the important ways.

Loves drinking cold beverages with a straw....

....and can empty a bag of cookies in no time.

Proves a whiz at drinking games ....

....and of course, musical instruments.
(Even rubber-band / cereal-box guitars.)

Yoga ..... any time, any place ...

.... and for sleeping, the same.


Anonymous said...

@Karin. My, he has grown; fine-looking boy. Congrats to your sister.

Christopher said...

I was disappointed that I didn't see Henry and his parents before leaving MN - now I have to stay in touch with them via your blog! :)