Sunday, July 18, 2010

Deep Thought: Beach+Sunset = Indeed, Awesome

It's a universal truth
you can't trust a guy on a dating website 
who claims he loves walking on the beach and sunsets.

(Kind of like men can't trust the woman 
who poses for a profile photo with her cat.)

But let's get real.

I'd love someone who loved those things. 

(Even if he was faking it 
just to get a date.)

I love those things.  

Crane Beach, Ipswich  - 6:58 pm


student driver said...

Wow, on a night when I was getting dumped by my spaniard, "Cooper Fiennes", YOU were having a wonderful sunset and exceptional overall evening. We must work on some more fairness. Would you be willing to rewind and take a rain storm in exchange for me having my Catalan back?

"Jane", aka Student Driver

Karin said...

@student driver.

Indeed. It was lovely. It also cost me $25 to park my car next to all that loveliness... I'll share the sunset if you'll share the cost. ;-)

Oy, the Catalan. I have read much about him and for all the reasons you elaborate on, I grieve with you....

Anonymous said...

Wow, looking back at this post... who would have thought that the one I would truly give my heart too, truly fall in love with, would be the short bald ocd one? Life is interesting, isn't it? Happy New Year my dear!