Friday, May 15, 2009

Why do you think you're single?

So here is today so far:

1) Oversleep.

2) Be woken from said oversleep by a contractor ringing my doorbell.

3) Discover that car was towed for being in a street-cleaning zone (oh fair and finely-scrubbed Southie) to the tune of $111 and;

4) Because said car was not available, started walking to the bus only to realize that last night's run must have re-decimated my groin muscles strain because I cannot walk.

So at the moment I'm actually not really that interested in dissecting why I'm single.

(Unless, of course, insomnia and flakiness probably aren't helping either the status or the desire to dissect.)

However, I logged onto OKC a few moments ago and a discussion board doing just that was in full swing. A sample:

Age 25 Male Does anyone even care why we're single?

28M cause God hates me.

25M I'm single because I don't want to miss out on all the fun that can be had by not being stuck in a relationship.

37 Female I've come to the place in my life where I don't want to settle. I'm picky because I know exactly what I want. I don't mind meeting new people because that is the only way to know...but I know pretty quickly if they match my needs or not. I've already done the whole settling thing. Plus I'm told that I'm "intimidating" to approach - so it seems that I'm always the one to break the ice. I think it's also that I don't hold myself in the "normal" girly category maybe.

20F i'm single because im far too insecure. no one wants to deal with it.

25F My friends say I have an intimidating presence, which I kind of agree with. I'm also too shy to just go up to a guy and start talking to him or to ask him out.

20F Because I'm too trusting and emotionally involved with people I date, This makes me an easy target for users... Plus when the the other half stops making an effort (such as, stops being romantic, starts ignoring me more to do their own thing all the time ect ect...) I get insecure and needy which then probably drives them into breaking up with me, But tbh If they didn't want to keep this whole romantic you are so loved charade up, they shouldn't have done it in the first place.

25M Im single cause I just dont get out enough. Ive had one relationship in the last 10yrs and that was for only 3 weeks. I need to do something about that!

23F I'm picky.

23M I am single for a multitude of reasons. 1) I find philosophical discussion more stimulating than going to a bar and drinking, 2) I am an intense person, 3) I see the world of a unique perspective of a religion that's been dead since the time of Christ, 4) I am in a town full of people who are hidebound traditionalists, 5) I have an unmedicated, but controlled bi-polar disorder combined with a deep depression, and last but in no way least 6) I am a recovering alcoholic.

23M I come off as friendly but then unintentionally treat girls terrible. :/

20F I am shy and I probably don't get out enough. Also, I have some insecurities on how people view me and that adds to my shyness.

26M I am getting VERY turned on by all the girls saying how insecure they are.


Anonymous said...

My epitaph: "All work. All study. No play." That's it.

Anonymous said...

It seems two things are regular in your life: oversleeping and tickets.

Karin said...

Oh Anonymous, you forgot #3: eating cereal.