If you read the Thursday, May 28 entry regarding my lost wallet and subsequent fortuitous reclamation, would you possibly have any reason to believe that on Friday, May 29 you would be reading an entry that describes me sitting, at midnight, at my sister's computer in Columbia Heights, Minnesota, looking up the numbers for the Logan Airport Lost and Found and the Northwest Airlines Baggage services and the Transportation Security Administration offices so that tomorrow I can call and ask them if I am allowed to fly back to Boston on Sunday night without my photo ID since, ostensibly, it is in my wallet, which was either left on the carpet in front of Gate A31 at Logan as I slung my backpack to my shoulders, or otherwise hiding under a seat cushion on flight 321 having perhaps fallen out of my coat pocket during the flight (even though the flight attendant already went back and searched the plane), since I really can't remember which possibility could be true, and then, mulling over this sequence of events, go on to wonder how I have made it 36 years 2 months on this earth without losing my mind?
Just curious.
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4 days ago
it's ok, you can fly. (lost wallet sucks, though).
you just tell them when you check in and they sign you up for "extra security" and they have to search and open your carry ons. you go in at a separate security place (in the middle, but near the NW security) and they give you the extra shakedown. but you can fly with no ID. i have done it to and from MSP.
@Karin. In a truly backhanded sense, welcome to the fraterity/sorority of the overly-educated scatterbrained. Too much of our thinking has been diverted from common sense, R-factor items, such as "guard wallet and self", or "staying up partying", to "higher thoughts", like "absoring the book I'm reading (your visit to B&N)", or "composing the tax return I need to submit tomorrow", or "must read economist.com online until 2 a.m.",etc. I could fill up a small museum with the items I've lost, misplaced, or overlooked over my lifetime. Like me, you haven't lost your mind, because human evolution has deemed fit to secure our minds to our bodies by means of our necks and central nervous system. (Thanks be to God, Darwin, whomever.) Modern life distracts so much these days that wallets grow wings and fly away to new homes. Nervous breakdowns are still possibilities, though. Now, where is MY wallet .....?
i, too, am notorious for misplacing my wallet, my camera, my keys... (cousin j along with other roomies once gave me a locator thingy that was to help me find them)
So, I've learned to work on my habits of putting these things away (still working- i lose keys or glasses a couple times a month), but i like to think it is because I have so much going on in my brain that inconsequential things like where my keys are to weigh me down. So I carry purses that zip closed, that things couldn't likely fall out of and choose my wallets in bright and annoying colors like bright, bright blue! :)
good luck (yay for MN- i'm hoping for a good weekend to build a chicken coop!)
You need people. People would hold onto your belongings and then shuffle you through gate check. Either that or your own Jet. People with people or their own jets worry not about these things.
Safe journey home.
Maybe there's something to that whole wallet chain fad from 10 years ago?
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