Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day officially made

"Showing off those calves of steel....?"

Heard from a Matt Damon lookalike, riding bike slowly the wrong way up Boylston Street, passing me in front of the BPL, looking back over his shoulder to confirm it was me he intended to address.

Hot compliment, hot gaze, from a hot man, on a hot sunny day.

Perfect. And totally true.

The only thing that would have made it more perfect would have been if he had turned around and ridden back the right way.


singinflute said...

OOOOH! That would make my day too! :)

Jen said...

Wooooot! And lookit you, all supah-hawt Southie girl now. You gone 'n done left North Dakota in the dust!

How's Missy?