Thursday, October 6, 2011

Anniversary Shout-Out: Roy & Martha

Some days on the blog, I don't feel like/want to compete with/comment on the news cycle and/or date significance.

(Usually applies to major holidays and my birthday. But especially on days where I'm prone to overusing and/or statements with sassy backslashes.)

Today showed up as such with:
1)  The death of Steve Jobs yesterday.

2)  Sarah Palin's gracious (?!) quelling o' Presidential aspirations (and, could one hope, decline in media exposure?).

3)  Hank Williams, Jr. being told to nevermore ask, legally, "Are You Ready for Some Football?"

4)  A 37-year-old woman asking the Boston public:  "Am I at a bad age to date?"
So all I want to do today is point out that October 6 was the day 68 years ago that my maternal grandparents married each other, in Minneapolis. You've met Martha, who turns 92 in a couple weeks, but Roy has been gone for 11 years; he died the first summer I lived in Boston.  They had a pretty killer marriage, raised a pretty killer brood, and were pretty influential life examples for me.

I know I don't remember to mention that enough.

This May 29, 2011 photo made possible
by the events of October 6, 1943.

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