Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Seven random words of Wednesday

1) My most recent status update on Facebook, still up to date: 
"Karin would like to invent the button that will take her back to 7 a.m. and allow the day to start over."
2) My last 3 visitors on OKCupid were named as follows: Devilboston, Chuckydestructo (from Kokomo, sorry, local ladies), and ChrisRiot. Last night at 12:16 a.m., a guy named SexyBamBam wrote as follows: "Hey, wad up brat! =D"

3) Today's random primary moment of happy: realization that I haven't earned a  parking ticket in 2010. Yet.

4) Today's not-so-random fun fact:   Wednesday, June 2 is National Running Day? Did you know?  Coincidental that it is 70 degrees, cool breeze, blue skies? Doubtful.

5) Today's second moment of happy: coherent OKC e-mail from a 33-y-old runner who wanted to discuss Reach the Beach Relay, lives locally, advocates for social justice causes, said he is in the process of "putting behind me the stupidity that is a man in his 20s" and who was cheeky, but only just enough.  He might not be real, but we'll see.

6) Today's indulgence: salon pedicure refresher.

7) And you know what?  I realized I don't really have a 7th.  Hope that's OK.


Marvel Boy said...

Have you ever thought of adding those silly little comment boxes to the bottom of your blog entries? You know, the ones that give you the option to express your two-word response to a post, like "Love it, like it, try again, never again"? I'd sometimes like to check a box to tell you how much I enjoy your writing.

Karin said...

@Joshua....if I put those there, then no one would ever write beautiful, complimentary platitudes like the one above. ;-) Which, by the way, if I ever need a blurb for the back cover of my first published compilation.....