Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yes. I know.

Nothing more tiresome than listening to someone whine about falling off the New Year's wagon on January 5 and thus commencing the even more tiresome act of self-flagellation.

But my wishes of this particular resolution were simple:

Be in to work earlier in the morning
in order to be able to
leave work earlier in the evening
in order to break the habit of
not getting to the gym until 8 pm
and thusly
not getting home from the gym until 10
and then
not eating supper until 10:30
and then
(with full belly and renewed energy)
not being able to sleep until 1:30 or 2,
then being to work later than desired the next morning.

Is it possible that on Day 2 of this attempt, I could manage to ignore 3 alarm bells? Wake from the dead at 8:52 am? Get to the office so late that I can't with any conscience take a lunch break and go to the gym then, as originally planned, so I'll have to go after work, which means I can't do as I so diligently planned to do this evening: finish the damn 2009 Christmas cards?

Perhaps my resolution should have been to be Less Tiresome and Tired in Twenty-Ten.

Bad Karin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

@Karin. To err is human; to forgive, devine.