Sunday, October 25, 2009

The need to need

About 4:30 on Saturday my good friend B treated me (thank you very much) to Thai Basil on Newbury, where we downed a couple beers and he ordered the crispy duck and I the pad thai, and I told him I just might be going out on Date #2 with Friday-night man, and B rolled his eyes and told me to not stay up all night again (since I had, naturally, shared with him details of Date #1) because I had to be fresh for the concert we were both in on Sunday afternoon....

... and one would think I should listen to B because he's become very sage since having a girlfriend and he thinks all I do is date (ha!) and he furthermore doesn't think many of these dates have been very good for me and then insinuated, because it's October and the seasons are changing and it's a time that people might become more lonely than usual and crave companionship more than usual, that just perhaps that was the reason I was going out on Date #2 even though I had already commented that I wasn't sure of the long-term potential of this situation, and that maybe it would be better if I just went home and got some sleep instead.

I must have had the need to need someone because I didn't listen to B, but did instead go out Date #2 with my younger man who needed more time to freshen up when I arrived to get him so we missed the early movie and and only as we were walking in at 9 p.m. did he mention he was starving so we instead went to get him supper and then hit the 10:15 show, which meant that by the time we walked back across the Boston Common in a downpour sharing one umbrella and I dropped him off and re-parked the car and ate my leftover pad thai and climbed into my bed it was 2 a.m. and I'd have to confess that it was not a bad date but was rather just an OK date and, because I haven't yet decided if my need was worth the resulting fatigue I'll now know for the rest of this week, I'd furthermore admit that B, as usual, was probably on to something.


cousin j said...

gotta support B on this. is young guy or your need for adequate but not great company really greater than an investment of time in you? i'm just a little resentful that he got your time and energy and is not so deserving, you know?

Karin said...

@cousin j. Well, sometimes it takes Date #2 to realize that he was adequate and not-great company. He had been pretty good company on Date #1, it was just ambivalent follow-up (from both of us) which caused me to believe it lacked potential -- not Date #1 in and of itself.

Unknown said...

trust your instinct fair, Karin. (have to echo cousin J and B.)