Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Birthday Shout-Out: Fellow Dancer

I must have at some point told you that, while growing up, I took ballet, tap and jazz lessons for 12 years.

Here, friends, is the teenager tutu proof.

Pretending to be the Ruby and Sapphire
fairies from Sleeping Beauty - c. 1989

I'm on the left ... the off-kilter, frowning, looking-over my-shoulder-to-make-sure-we're-synched one. My younger sister is on the right, with her elegantly elongated carriage, chin up.

Missy studied alongside me for all 12 years and longer. The above scene was replicated hundreds if not thousands of times. She was several inches taller from age 10, and our fellow dancers frequently assumed she was the older of us. Not surprising, because she was also the bolder of us. A decision-maker, the ringleader who people followed because she could always make her choices sound like the best options.

Happy to report she still retains that teenage persuasiveness today --without the teenage attitude -- as she turns 36. Even though I've grown out of looking over my shoulder for her lead, she has taught and still often teaches me the best path forward in life decisions big and small .... and I'll not be unhappy if this is the way she and I will always roll.

Chad & Missy w/Oliver - December 2010

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